
3 de abril de 2012

Hairstyles- Hippie Braid

Hola a todos!!!
Un par de amigas me han pedido que haga un tutorial de los peinados que suelo hacerme en primavera, ahora que hace más calor y nos apetece llevar el pelo recogido.Al principio me daba bastante vergüencita, pero al final me animé y hasta puedo decir que ha sido bastante divertido!!Aquí está el resultado:

Hi everybody!!
Some friends asked me to make a tutorial on how to make some updo's I use in spring-summer when it´s warmer and you feel like wearing your hair up. At first I was a bit shy about it, but at last I tried and here's the result:

You can watch the full video here (sorry only spanish version for now...)
Puedes ver el video aquí:

I Hope you liked it!

2 comentarios:

  1. Love the hair, did you use hairspray after?

  2. Hi melly,
    For this look Friday used hairspray and shine spray for a nicer shiny fisnish.You can find more detailed instructions in the video, we are sorry about it being in Spanish, we will try and make our next one bilingual!! We are glad you liked it!!
    Much love,

    The weekenders
